Tag: skin cherry coffee

CASCARA TEA – Caffein inside skin cherry coffee
Bí Quyết Pha Chế, CAFFEIN & SỨC KHỎE, Công Thức Pha Chế, Khoa học, PHA CHẾ CÀ PHÊ, Sức Khoẻ, Thức Uống

CASCARA TEA – Caffein inside skin cherry coffee

Coffee beans are actually cherry pits from the fruit of coffee trees (or shrubs). While coffee brewed from these cherries’ processed and roasted pits is one of the most popular beverages in the world, tea made from the cherries’ fruit is also widely drunk in certain parts of the world. Cascara has been enjoyed in Ethiopia and Yemen, and now growers in El Salvador and Bolivia (and elsewhere) are beginning to export it to the United States. Cascara is a Tea from Coffee Cherries The term “cascara” comes from the dried fruit, or husks, of coffee cherries that are used to make the beverage. The word means “peel,” “husk” or “skin,” and this is the part of the cherry that’s used for the beverage. The husks themselves are like dried fruit that would be used ...